Hosted by Oslo Yoga

Six Tuesdays from 31/8 - 05/10 18:00-19:30

on Zoom

While it’s natural to feel fear, anxiety and stress during these times of collective crisis, our challenge is that these emotions and stress can take over our lives. Mindfulness and reflection practices can help us find an inner balance and a way to meet the arising challenges of an increasingly stressful and unpredictable world.

This course is an ideal introduction to Mindfulness with special attention to how we can use its practices and tools to manage the strong emotions, unexpected change and fear.

The course consists of six, 1.5-hour sessions on Zoom and includes 20 minutes of home practice per day between sessions. Through guided meditations, group dialogue, tips and instructions for each individual and short daily home practices, you will learn the essential principles of mindfulness and techniques to create and develop confidence in your own personal Mindfulness practice that will become an invaluable tool to help you help live a life of more balance and presence.

We will work with:

• Many different types of formal and informal mindfulness meditation practices,
including working with the breath and body as a anchor for being aware of our
experience in the present moment.

• Understanding the nature of stress and how to self-regulate our moods, so that
we are better able to pause and listen inward in challenging situations and
manage our responses more effectively.

• Recognize your own patterns of worrying and self-criticism that often generate
more stress; and learn how you can relate to yourself with a more accepting and
kind way.

• Practices for more mindful communication in your relationships and developing a
more empathic way of meeting the world

• Learn practical self-care tools to help you live with less stress, feel more alive and
and build resilience in times of change or challenge.


• As part of this course, you will also receive recorded guided audio practices that
you can follow at home.
• Each participant has the opportunity to have a 30 minute private consultation with
Ola to help tailor your Mindfulness practice to your individual needs. (private
meetings will be held online and scheduled separately from class time)
• This class will be held on ZOOM
• The practice parts of the course will be recorded and made available if you are
not able to attend live. Group dialogue will not be recorded or published.
• No prior mindfulness experience is required.
• There is up to 20 minutes per day of home practice during the course.

Mindfulness is for EVERYBODY!

This course is open to people from all streams of life. Our practices are accessible and inspiring for beginners...and nourishing for teachers or long time practitioners seeking some new inspiration and personal practice time. Be assured that you can practice Mindfulness also sitting in a chair if sitting on the floor is not comfortable you.